How to Get Internet While Traveling to Mexico?

how to get internet in Mexico

Mexico is one of the most outstanding countries in Latin America. In addition to its economy, it stands out for its important tourist destinations. Despite the above, the issue of connectivity is similar to many Latin countries, where there are areas with poor coverage and regions in the process of deploying 5G connectivity.

In this guide we will tell you about the different options or methods that are available so that you access internet on your trips to Mexico. Depending on the type of trip you are making and the type of device you are going to take to this country, you will find different options with unique features.

Option 1. Get a prepaid eSIM for Mexico

Getting a prepaid eSIM from Mexico that gives you an internet connection is one of the fastest and easiest options. There are companies dedicated to offering connectivity for travelers to Mexico. Among those options are YeSIMMaya MobileNomad eSIM and MobiMatter.

These prepaid eSIM card providers give you internet access in a matter of minutes and without leaving home. The entire purchasing, shipping, installation and activation process is done online. In order to take advantage of this option, you must have a device compatible with eSIM. On their websites you will find the list of smartphones they support.

Option 2. Buy a SIM card for Mexico

Just as you can change operators in your country, it is also possible to buy prepaid SIM cards in Mexico. The mobile telecom companies Telcel, Movistar Mexico and AT&T Mexico operate in this country.

Of these three operators, the one that stands out for its coverage is Telcel, although the other two also have good coverage. To buy a SIM that works in Mexico you can opt for online stores that allow you to buy and receive the SIM at home. To do this, you must request it in advance and follow the provider’s instructions for activating the SIM.

Some stores that allow you to buy a SIM from Mexico are TravelSIM and SIMCorner.

In case TravelSIM or SIMCorner do not have a data plan that suits your trip, you can also get the SIM when you arrive in Mexico. Stores like Oxxo and supermarkets are places where prices are fairer. You can also buy it inside a Mexican airport, in these stores the prices are usually higher.

Option 3. Buy or rent a portable travel WiFi

A portable WiFi will allow you to connect multiple devices to the internet. You can bring a smartphone, PC or any device that supports connectivity via WiFi. Portable WiFi usually offers unlimited internet connection. This option is viable for family or work trips where you are going to connect several devices at the same time.

If you buy the device, you must make sure that it is compatible with the frequencies of the networks in Mexico. If you rent it, it will be necessary to complete the procedure in advance. At least two weeks before your trip to Mexico.

Some providers of these devices are MioWiFi and TravelWiFi, who have coverage in multiple countries around the world.

When you rent these devices, we recommend that you take care of them and avoid losing them, since in case of loss or theft they usually charge a penalty of close to 100 USD. In the same sense, you should not forget to return the device because they may start charging you for the days of delay.

Option 4. Activate international roaming

Most telephone companies offer their users international data roaming service. With this it is possible to connect to the internet in Mexico without having to buy or rent an extra service.

The main drawback of this option is its restrictions and high prices. Firstly, it is not usually available in all types of plans, being exclusive for the most expensive mobile phone contracts. Secondly, the price of the service is high and you can be charged for each MB or GB you spend on your mobile data abroad. For example, some companies have rates starting at $10 per day.

Option 5. Connect to public WiFi points in Mexico

In some tourist destinations and points of interest in Mexico you can get areas with free WiFi. It is the cheapest option because you do not have to pay for internet service in Mexico, although in some places it is necessary to consume products sold locally.

When you arrive in Mexico you can find WiFi points at airports, the hotel where you are staying, cafes and in parks or squares.

When using these networks, it is advisable to use them with caution to avoid data theft and scams. Since they are public, they usually have no protection and your data may be exposed.

We recommend using this option as a last alternative, due to the instability and lack of guarantee in the service. It can also be a complement to the other previous options in case you experience service failures.

Tips when using the internet when traveling to Mexico

To finish this guide we leave you some tips to improve your experience of connecting to the internet in Mexico:

  • Check mobile phone coverage maps in Mexico to make sure you will have internet access in the area.
  • In the case of the Mexico eSIM, be sure to validate the compatibility of your mobile device with this technology.
  • If you purchase a SIM, it is also necessary that your smartphone or device is compatible with the frequencies of Mexican networks. Don’t forget to check it before traveling.
  • The possibility of service failures is always present. If this happens to you, we recommend contacting the service provider so they can help you resolve it. Do not wait to return from a trip to report the incident.
  • Turn off automatic system updates or pause them during your trip. This way you will save several GB.
  • You can also disable the internet connection to applications that you will not use during your trip. These apps usually consume your mobile data in the background.